"#IStandWithBuhari and the counter Rally...

In a statement issued on Thursday, Maryam Shettima reaffirmed her staunch and unshakeable loyalty to President Buhari but however said she  neither aware of the planned rally nor would she be part of it. Read below:

A lot has happened since my emergence as the National Acting Coordinator of the above group. I feel it is time however to break my lengthy dignified silence on it in response to the torrents of inbox messages and calls I get concerning an upcoming counter rally in support of Mr President. 
To set the record straight, I wish to categorically state that I am neither aware of a counter rally organised by the group coming up in support of Mr President nor would I be supportive or part of it.  
I wish to however, affirm my staunch and unshakeable loyalty to our dear President and his government and my belief in its ability to get Nigeria out of its perpetual doldrums. I am firmly committed my country's journey to greatness, long live Nigeria, long live Baba!


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